


Can't get enough of Korea

No visit to Korea, be that literally or travel via blog, would be complete without a trip to Lotte Mart, a large Korean big box store that is only comparable to Wal-Mart and even that is a drastic stretch. I recently saw one blogger describe it as, "Wal-Mart on acid," which I find to be as close a description as any. The Lotte--LO-TAY-- company name owns many businesses in Seoul and around Korea everything from an Amusement...

Full and Happy

Time flies when you're having fun. Boy is that the truth. I can't believe that we have been living in South Korea for 5 weeks already. Occasionally, I have to remind myself that I am NOT on a perpetual vacation. I have been keeping a running list of places to visit on my phone and when I wake up in the morning and find that Darren has taken off to work, it is a major imposition on my endless vacation. Alas, I suppose there is...

A few things about Amy

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