


Snapshots around Seoul

Traditional Korean tea service.  Emmalyn admiring the beautiful structure.  Living in the Dragon Hill Lodge has perks . . . Chocolate perks.  Several of my favorite drinks from Korea-- Apple soda and Aloe Vera juice.  Korean War Museum Korean War Museum Shopping in Itaewon shopping district Busy Itaewon Americans eating French food in Korea. Cafe Itaewon...

Never a dull moment with the Military

We have had a great first 10 days here in South Korea. We have adjusted to the time and feel good. Somehow we have managed to stay healthy--knock on wood-- and for that we are very thankful. Since my last entry we have been focusing on trying to find a place to live. We were supposed to move into on-post housing for military families--in fact, for 9-months we were told there was no way we could live off-post and we absolutely...
2 comments Location: Yongsandong 3(sam)-ga Yongsandong 3(sam)-ga

Whoa . . . Tired.

Hooray for my first official blog post from South Korea!! To begin, I have never been so exhausted in my entire life. Having a baby is nothing compared to the exhaustion of moving your family around the world. I only wish that was an exaggeration! I was so excited when I found out that each person traveling was allowed two 70 pound suitcases and I aimed to pack every pound. In fact, embarrassingly, we came pretty darn close....

A few things about Amy

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